Boys vs Girls
5 Ways Boys and Girls bully differently
- Boys are more likely to display bullying behavior through physical intimidation. Girls bully by lashing out verbally and tend to leave other girls out of their circle and spread rumors through gossiping.
- Boys bully both boys and girls. Girls usually bully other girls.
- Boys tend to bully more openly, making it easier to spot. Girls disguise their bullying and act out in more passive-aggressive ways, girl-on-girl bullying making it harder to spot. The majority of researchers think that boys bully more than girls, but more recent studies suggest that adults simply have a harder time recognizing when girls bully.
- Experts believe that boys are more likely to cyberbully as well. Girls who are cyberbullied are more likely to report the bullying to adults than their male peers.
- Boys are more likely to think that their teachers are doing a poor job in responding to bullying problems. Girls report more positive opinions of how their teachers handle bullying.
5 Ways Boys and Girls bully the same
- Both genders bully in the form of racist, sexist, or homophobic remarks.
- Bullying by both boys and girls is harmful and can lead to depression, body image issues, and low self-esteem.
- According to psychologist and bullying expert Evelyn Field, bullies and victims of bullying often have undeveloped assertive communication skills (open expression, speaking up of your needs, desires, thought,s and feelings, while also respecting the needs of others).
- Both genders often turn on their friends.
- Usually occurs amongst younger teens and pre-teens and begins to fade by the later teen years. Later primary and middle school years are the crucial years to watch out for bullying.